Apache Marine is a marine logistics company that provides ancillary marine services in West Africa region, dealing majorly in Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo, Angola and Namibia. Our services for Apache was expansive and far-reaching in scope. We provided the following services for the company.
Website Design: As part of our services, we undertook the design of a comprehensive website for the company, making sure to highlight the core services provided by them. The result of our work is visible when you log into their website “apachemarinegroup.com”. Below is a snapshot of it.
Brand Identity:We also created a brand identity for Apache Marine, which included designing their logo, letter head and business cards, as well as the company brochure, stamps and invoice. Most importantly, we added tremendously to the “corporate feel” of the organization by setting up their official email address.
Business Consulting: Being one of our core services, the Founder/ CEO of Apache Marine consulted with us on the easiest way to transition from paid employment to a full-fledged entrepreneur. We ensured to deliver premium service in this regard. In all, our work for Apache Marine was comprehensive, satisfactory and thorough. In appreciation of this, the Founder/ CEO of the organization gave a sterling review of our work with them. Below are the excerpts.
What was your experience working with Halisi?
- My experience working with Halisi, has been very satisfactory. Halisi has been very helpful in setting up my business and creating the right marketing content I needed to reach out to my client.
What was your biggest gain?
- As you know, the Nigerian economy is on a recovery trajectory as such all businesses are employing cost saving strategies, Halisi consulting is also very much aware of this and as such their rates are client friendly without diminishing the service offering provided.
How did you find the service?
- Service has been very professional. Halisi did not just provide generic options as to my request but consumized in-depth research into the marine industry so as to gain the required knowledge and provide the much need bespoke and value-added services.
What were you struggling with before coming to Halisi?
- Coming up with a website which is client friendly and interactive.
- Developing digital content for my service offering.
Are you happy with the service?
- I would say Halisi has provided a stellar service since they were engaged and on a number of occasions delivered the output before the projected deadline.
Would you recommend Halisi to other startups?
- Definitely, I will be recommending Halisi to other startups especially the business consulting and digital marketing arm of the business.
- I believe the services provided by Halisi stand apart from competitor companies.