Top 3 Slides VCs Look at In Your Pitch Deck Before Funding Your Startup

Top 3 Slides VC Investors Look At In Your Pitch Deck

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Securing venture capital funding is a pivotal step for any startup looking to scale its operations. However, convincing venture capitalists (VCs) to invest in your vision requires more than just enthusiasm and a great idea. Your pitch deck must effectively communicate the potential and viability of your business. Among the various components of your pitch deck, three slides are particularly crucial to VCs when deciding whether to fund your startup. Let’s dive into these top three slides:

1. Revenue Model

One of the first things VCs look for in a pitch deck is a clear and compelling revenue model. While having a groundbreaking idea is essential, it’s not enough to secure funding. VCs need to see a clear pathway to profitability. Your revenue model slide should detail how your startup plans to make money.

This slide should answer critical questions such as:

  • What are your primary revenue streams?
  • What is your pricing strategy?
  • How do you plan to scale your revenue?

Whether it’s through product sales, subscription fees, licensing, or advertising, VCs want to understand how your business will generate sustainable income. Providing a well-thought-out revenue model demonstrates that you have a solid plan for monetization and are not solely reliant on continued investment to stay afloat.

2. Market Size

VCs invest in startups that have the potential for significant growth. Therefore, they pay close attention to the market size slide in your pitch deck. This slide should provide a detailed analysis of the market you’re targeting, including:

  • Total Addressable Market (TAM): The overall revenue opportunity available if you achieve 100% market share.
  • Serviceable Available Market (SAM): The segment of the TAM that your products or services can serve.
  • Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): The portion of SAM that you realistically expect to capture.

By clearly defining these metrics, you can demonstrate the scalability of your business. VCs are particularly interested in whether there is a substantial market for your product or service. Identifying a market gap is essential, but it’s equally important to show that there are enough potential customers to make your business viable. In today’s investment climate, funding is rarely granted based solely on a concept unless the founders have an exceptional track record.

3. Traction

The traction slide is arguably the most critical part of your pitch deck. It provides tangible evidence of your business’s progress and potential. This slide should showcase key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that demonstrate growth and market validation, such as:

  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
  • Customer acquisition costs (CAC)
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • User growth statistics
  • Partnerships and key milestones

VCs want to see that your business is not just an idea but a viable entity with proven success. Highlighting your traction helps build credibility and reduces perceived risks associated with investing in your startup. The more evidence you can provide that your business model works and is gaining momentum, the more likely VCs will be to invest.

Bonus Tip: Funding Ask

While not one of the top three slides, it’s worth mentioning that VCs often skip to the end of the pitch deck to see the funding amount you’re seeking. This slide should clearly outline:

  • How much funding you are requesting
  • What you plan to do with the funds
  • How the investment will help you achieve specific milestones

Ensure that your funding ask aligns with your business’s stage and the focus areas of the VCs you are pitching to, whether it’s seed or pre-seed stages.


Creating a compelling pitch deck that attracts VC funding requires careful consideration and a strategic approach. Emphasizing a clear revenue model, demonstrating a substantial market size, and showcasing significant traction are essential components that can make or break your pitch.

Ready to secure investor funding? Book a free consultation with our team to craft a winning pitch deck and attract the right investors. Click this link to book a free consultation.

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