Rejection can be painful. Most entrepreneurs might be tempted to give up on their new product or service especially when they have been rejected multiple times. As a business owner, it is best to keep sentiments away from your business, and accept that people saying no to your product is not the end of the world.
There are several reasons why a prospect might not want your product. You can’t control their decision but you can control your reaction to it.
Instead, choose to learn from every no. Don’t let one negative response stop you from selling to the next customer. What you can do is to find out why they said no.
Let’s use a case scenario. Ada, a hair extensions entrepreneur, pitches her hair products to a lady and the lady says she’s not interested. Ada didn’t become downcast, she maintained a cheerful disposition and asked her these questions:
“Is there anything wrong?”
“What exactly don’t you like?
“Is it the packaging or the product?”
It was at this point the lady told Ada that she was a naturalista, which means she preferred to wear her hair the natural way and didn’t need the hair extensions Ada was selling!
This means the lady was not Ada’s target market in the first place. She would never have figured it out of she hadn’t asked questions even after the rejection.
So be like Ada today, ask why.
Who are the people you have sold your products to? Why did they buy from you? What are their common characteristics? Their age range? Their preferred media platform?
Focus on the people that pay for your products, learn everything about them. Their interests, their hobbies, their distinct preferences and several other characteristics is what makes them your ideal client.
Learning why a potential customer says yes or no to your product is bedrock of your ideal customer profile, this will help improve your marketing and lead to more sales.
Marketing to your ideal customer will drastically improve your chances of sales and business success.
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